June 2, 2020 – The Delaware Historical Society and The Jane and Littleton Mitchell Center for African American Heritage stand in solidarity with the African American community and everyone who seeks truth and jus-
tice. The state’s history demonstrates in each county and every century that systemic racism is so deeply rooted it cannot be avoided and must be addressed. We have not done enough to confront these issues, but we are prepared to do the hard work required to honestly address America’s history of racial injustice—to face history and ourselves.
We recognize that our community must see by our actions–and not just our words–that we are ded-
icated to addressing racism, injustice, inequity and the history of what has caused them. To date, Del-
aware Historical Society staff has participated in training on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We have rewritten and published our mission and vision statements, and are in the process of writing our core
values to reflect our commitment to serve our community.
Visit our website, dehistory.org, and follow us on social media as we share resources for educators and
anyone seeking to learn more about social justice and racism, hold space for dialogue, and reflect on
our collections and the history we preserve and share.
@dehistory | @readhouseandgardens | @MitchellCenterAfricanAmericanHeritageDHS
@delawarehistoricalsociety | @readhouseandgardens | @delawarehistoryvault
@thisisdehistory | @MCAAH_DHS